What is this website about?

Every year since 1981, hundreds of European students of architecture have gathered each summer to discuss and work with architecture, student to student. These summerschools are organised by EASA (European Architecture Students Assembly) and happens in a new place and with a specific theme for each year. During the two weeks of the assembly, visions and experiments grow from workshops, tutored and arranged by architecture students. It is an important and inspiring gathering, with a scope that extends beyond the 400 participants and organisers. Anyone who has ever attended an EASA summerschool will have stories to tell about architecture, friendship and new ideas. This year the theme of the EASA event was sustainable living.

Three dutch architecture students organized and tutored a workshop on sustainability in architecture. You can read more about the theme on the page "why?". The organizing team of this workshop are Jelk Kruk, Gerald Russelman and Johan van Lierop. The workshop took place in Denmark in Kalo, summer 2003. As the tutors of the workshop we had a great experience building our first hovercraft. We want to thank the participants that joined our workshop and also the organizers of the EASA event. Participants will be listed on this site soon.